Priority Care

We offer Priority Care for those who require additional
assistance and support.


Elevating Our Support: Embracing Priority Customer Care

Isle of Man Energy is committed to providing the best service to all our customers and we make specific provisions for those who require extra support. You can register as a Priority Care Customer so that we may be able to assist you with your needs in relation to your gas account.

If you are registered on our ‘Priority Customer Care Register’ we may offer

Financial Ease

Tailored payment plans
Energy efficient advice

Enhanced Convenience

Priority gas reconnection, ensuring you stay warm and comfortable
Flexible meter reading schedules to accommodate your availability
You can nominate a person to help deal with your account

Accessibility and Peace of Mind

Accessible billing formats for those who need it.
Password protection for engineers and meter readers
Free carbon monoxide monitors to ensure your safety

Expert Assistance

Safety checks on your gas appliances
Priority callouts
Advance notifications of planned gas supply interruptions
Comfort visits to optimise your boiler and thermostat efficiency

Customer Support

Should an engineer identify a Priority Customer during a visit, they will connect you with our dedicated team for assistance

Register for Priority Care

Please call us or complete the form below.

Call us on

01624 644444